Copy RSA keys to all Solaris zones & restart ssh service

This is a simple script to copy SSH RSA keys to all standard zones and restarting ssh services on all .

i am not going to explain how to create public RSA keys. Also assume that RSA key is copied to global zone.

usage : create file with script, give exicute permission & run <ip>

IFS=$’\n’ read -d ” -ra name < <(ssh “$ipaddress” zoneadm list -cv | awk ‘NR > 2{print $4}’ )
IFS=$’\n’ read -d ” -ra state < <(ssh “$ipaddress” zoneadm list | awk ‘NR > 1’ )

for i in “${!name[@]}”;do
ssh $ipaddress mkdir -p “${name[$i]}”/root/.ssh
ssh $ipaddress chmod 700 “${name[$i]}”/root/.ssh
echo “copying RSA keys on : ${state[$i]}”
echo “ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAABIwAAAQEA4T+N21GzKnYgCh9sC72qhOYKjbjHRyp5GqWPDGSfUkhmk8iJRAS2hhcP5lZ1x6fc/cNzqETQ98sjdKm59PB7MSJQ12WMHTc7wtuBdh7+wE0ZlWsjGfEvzCaWIXNUhh2hK2ZUq7XMZ5QR2E+j2uWTJKsZmQyf4
A5z8nLTAtL2CKQamxZskABttpXkxx7gm+yc8coJB8nhOr6Q4KsyDcEmjGAFwbjiBKyefUIiMroP0PtZPI/8EYtwtP/Cm79BFzhJtOl/VGqTvlab+1IQeO54/ztL0gg7C0zTwNTKODTrCNh+nIj6Fk6/CjyX0Qg9xWd7BRr1oUbI5yMvg3wLD66tEw== root@kwtprgateone01
” | ssh $ipaddress “cat >> “${name[$i]}”/root/.ssh/authorized_keys”
ssh $ipaddress chmod 600 “${name[$i]}”/root/.ssh/authorized_keys
echo “changing ssh configuration files on: ${state[$i]}”
ssh $ipaddress “cat ${name[$i]}/root/etc/ssh/sshd_config | sed ‘s/PermitRootLogin no/PermitRootLogin yes/g’ > ${name[$i]}/root/tmp/sshd_config ; cp ${name[$i]}/root/tmp/sshd_config ${name[$i]}/root/e
echo “Restarting ssh service on : ${state[$i]}”
ssh $ipaddress “zlogin ${state[$i]} svcadm restart ssh”

Solaris disk utilization(including zones) script & sending to mysql


I have been writing scripts to automate my solaris admin tasks. currently i am handling more than 250 sun servers and my primary focus area is solaris nowadays. Somehow linux came to 2nd priority

today i am posting some script to monitor disk utilization of solaris server including zones(containers). And this script will send result to mysql database directly .you need to run this script on global zone and you than set the disk check threshold value also.

To connect to mysql, you need to install mysql-client package. ie simple compile & make. you can download mysql-client from For compiling this package , you need Compilers and other development tools. You can get all this from sun studio. Install sun studio and include studio in your PATH.


#Created By – Ben George –
IFS=$’\n’ read -d ” -ra filesystem < <(df -h | egrep -e ‘/dev/dsk|pool’)
IFS=$’\n’ read -d ” -ra zonename < <(zoneadm list)
DATE=$(/usr/bin/date |awk ‘{print $3″-“$2”-“$6}’)
ipaddress=$(ifconfig -a | grep inet | grep -v ‘’ | awk ‘NR>1{ print $2}’| head -1)
for i in “${!zonename[@]}”;do

if [ “${zonename[$i]}” = “global” ];then
for i in “${!filesystem[@]}”;do
percentage=$(echo “${filesystem[$i]}” | awk ‘{print $5}’ | sed ‘s/%/ /g’)
if [ $percentage -gt 50 ];then
mountpoint=$(echo “${filesystem[$i]}” | awk ‘{print $6}’)
echo $HOSTNAME $ipaddress $mountpoint “:” $percentage”%”
/opt/mysql/bin/mysql –host= –user=root –password=Redhat server_daily << EOF
insert into filesystem (hostname,ipaddress,time,filesystem_name,percentage) values(‘$HOSTNAME’,’$ipaddress’,’$DATE’,’$mountpoint’,’$percentage’);
echo “${zonename[$i]}”
IFS=$’\n’ read -d ” -ra zonefilesystem < <(zonecfg -z “${zonename[$i]}” info | egrep ‘pool|dir:’ | awk ‘{print $2}’)
for j in “${!zonefilesystem[@]}”;do
echo “${zonefilesystem[$j]}” | while read n;do
zonepercentage=$(zlogin “${zonename[$i]}” df -h “${zonefilesystem[$j]}” | awk ‘NR>1{print $5}’ | sed ‘s/%/ /g’)
if [ $zonepercentage -gt 50 ];then
zone_mountpoint=$(zlogin “${zonename[$i]}” df -h “${zonefilesystem[$j]}” | awk ‘NR>1{print $6}’)
zone_hostname=$(zlogin “${zonename[$i]}” hostname)
zone_ip=$(zlogin “${zonename[$i]}” ifconfig -a | grep inet | grep -v ‘’ | awk ‘{ print $2}’)
echo $zone_hostname $zone_ip $zone_mountpoint “:” $zonepercentage”%”
/opt/mysql/bin/mysql –host= –user=root –password=Redhat server_daily << EOF
insert into filesystem (hostname,ipaddress,time,filesystem_name,percentage) values(‘$zone_hostname’,’$zone_ip’,’$DATE’,’$zone_mountpoint’,’$zonepercentage’);