Configure SFTP only + Chroot(Jail)
This tutorial describes how to give users chrooted SSH and/or chrooted SFTP access on Redhat/Centos(or more). With this setup, you can give your users shell access without having to fear that they can see your whole system. Your users will be jailed in a specific directory which they will not be able to break out of. I will also show how to restrict users to SFTP so that they cannot use SSH
create a group for sftp users
# groupadd sftp-only
Create user (test1 is our user)
# useradd -c “SFTP User” -G sftp-only -s /bin/nologin test1
edit the sshd_config and add below changes
Subsystem sftp internal-sftp
Match Group sftp-only
ChrootDirectory /appl/data/input (or your directory)
ForceCommand internal-sftp
X11Forwarding no
AllowTcpForwarding no
example of sftp connection
ssh connection. And it’s dropped