
Run webapps from the desktop – Ubuntu

When i switched completely to Linux, the only one thing i was missing is the evernote application. Even i tried Evernote alternative Linux application like NixNote and other’s , it is not giving the performance and usability as i expected.

And finally i found a project called running webapps on desktop .Basically this is a python-Qt application opening the webpage inside that container.

First download the Zip from git and give execute permission to qt5webview.py

Install missing dependencies

# apt install libqt5webkit5-dev python3-pyqt5.qtsvg python3-pyqt5.qtwebkit pip python3-pyqt5

start application

$ python3 qt5webview.py -u https://www.evernote.com

if this is working, you can try with other web links. Also create shortcut so that this application will be visible in app launcher.

create file evernote.desktop under “/home/<user>/.local/share/applications” with below entries

[Desktop Entry]
Exec=/usr/bin/python3 /usr/sbin/qt5webview.py -u https://www.evernote.com

then give executable permission

# chmod +x evernote.desktop

On this stage your application will be visible on launcher and you can stat with mouse click 🙂

Also you can run qt5webview with desktop notification enabled.

# python qt5webview.py -u http://www.bennish.net/web-notifications.html -c





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