
[Satellite 6] Candlepin and pulp are not starting


  • Satellite is not starting – candlepin and pulp end in FAIL status
candlepin   FAIL    404 Resource Not Found
candlepin_auth  FAIL    Katello::Resources::Candlepin::CandlepinPing: 404 Resource Not Found (GET /candlepin/status)
foreman_tasks   OK  
pulp    FAIL    500 Internal Server Error
pulp_auth   FAIL    Skipped pulp_auth check after failed pulp check


  • Re-run the update based on the documentation with the “–scenario satellite”
# katello-service stop
# satellite-installer --scenario satellite --upgrade

Root Cause

  • Satellite server was updated to latest version with wrong option. Instead of –scenario satellite, –scenario capsule was used.
  • Satellite was updated using yum update, but upgrade script with option –scenario satellite –upgrade was not executed after running yum.
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